Cyber Essentials By abtec | Cyber Security Certification

Introduction to Cyber Essentials and Plus

In an era where cyber threats are a persistent challenge for organisations of all sizes, safeguarding digital assets is more important than ever.

abtec offers the Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus certifications, developed by the UK Government and the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC). These certifications are designed to make the UK a safer place to conduct business online, providing a clear framework for defending against prevalent cyber risks.

Cyber Essentials serves as the foundational certification that guides you through essential preventative measures to protect your organisation. Moving a step further, Cyber Essentials Plus builds on the same trusted principles but involves a more rigorous verification process.

Cyber Essentials

What are Cyber essentials and Cyber essentials Plus?

Cyber Essentials is a government-backed cybersecurity certification scheme that outlines fundamental security controls. It offers businesses of all sizes a robust base level of assurance, helping to protect against most cyber attacks.

This certification focuses on five technical controls: firewalls, secure configuration, security update management, user access control, and malware protection. Implementing these controls can prevent around 80% of cyber attacks.

Cyber Essentials Plus builds on these standards with a more detailed assessment. It includes all the requirements of Cyber Essentials, coupled with an additional hands-on verification that assesses the organisation's cybersecurity measures in action. This higher level of certification provides greater assurance that the protections are effectively applied.

Does my organisation need Cyber essentials?

Determining whether your organisation needs Cyber Essentials or Cyber Essentials Plus depends on your specific cybersecurity needs and operational requirements. Here are key challenges that Cyber Essentials can address:

Securing Government Contracts

Cyber Essentials is often a prerequisite for organisations looking to secure contracts with the UK government or engage in public sector projects. This certification verifies that your organisation meets the essential cybersecurity standards necessary to handle sensitive government and public sector information securely.

Protection against Cyber Threats

Organisations facing threats such as phishing, malware, and ransomware will find substantial benefits in the Cyber Essentials framework. It establishes necessary controls that mitigate up to 80% of common cyber attacks, providing a solid foundation for your cyber defence strategy.

Enhancing Data Security

For businesses that prioritise building trust with customers and partners regarding data security, Cyber Essentials certifications serve as a public demonstration of your commitment to protecting sensitive information.

Meeting Compliance Requirements

Cyber Essentials is particularly valuable for organisations operating in regulated sectors like healthcare, finance, or those handling sensitive personal data, as it assists in aligning with specific cybersecurity and data protection regulations.

Implementing Cybersecurity Awareness

Adopting Cyber Essentials is an effective way for organisations to foster a security-aware culture. The certification process involves assessing current practices, identifying gaps, and implementing structured security protocols, which enhances overall organisational awareness and resilience against cyber threats.

What's included in our Cyber essentials and Plus services?

abtec provides a comprehensive suite of services under the Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus frameworks, designed to bolster your organisation’s cybersecurity. Each component of our service is essential for ensuring that your business not only complies with but excels in meeting established cybersecurity standards. Here’s what are Cyber Essentials offerings include:

Cyber Essentials Basic Certification Preparation

  • Initial Cybersecurity Review: We start with a thorough assessment of your current cybersecurity practices against the Cyber Essentials criteria to establish a baseline of your existing security measures.
  • Gap Analysis: Our cybersecurity experts identify vulnerabilities and gaps in your current setup that could potentially expose your organisation to cyber threats.
  • Remedial Action Recommendations: Based on the gap analysis, we provide detailed recommendations for remedial actions to enhance your cybersecurity defences in line with Cyber Essentials requirements.
  • Documentation and Policy Development: We assist in developing the necessary documentation and policies that not only support the certification process but also align with best practices in cybersecurity management.
Cyber Essentials Basic Certification Preparation

Cyber Essentials Plus Certification Preparation

  • Hands-on Verification: For the Plus level, we perform an in-depth, hands-on verification of your cybersecurity measures. This includes a technical review of your systems to ensure that the Cyber Essentials controls are properly implemented and effective.
  • Advanced Security Testing: We conduct rigorous testing of your networks and systems using the latest techniques to simulate real-world cyber attacks, ensuring that your defences are robust and can withstand common threats.
  • Continuous Compliance Monitoring: Post-certification, we offer ongoing compliance monitoring to ensure that your cybersecurity measures remain effective over time and adapt to new threats as they arise.
Cyber Essentials Plus Certification Preparation

Additional Support Services

  • Employee Training and Awareness Programs: Recognising that human factors often pose significant security risks, we provide comprehensive training programs designed to boost cybersecurity awareness among your staff. These programs help employees understand their roles in maintaining security and how to recognise potential cyber threats.
  • Technical Support and Incident Response: Our team is on standby to provide technical support and rapid incident response in case of a security breach or cyber incident, helping to minimise damage and restore systems to operational status quickly.
  • Regulatory Compliance Guidance: We help you navigate the complex landscape of regulatory requirements that impact your industry, ensuring that your cybersecurity practices meet all legal and compliance standards.
Additional support

The benefits of Cyber essentials and Plus

Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus not only enhance your cybersecurity defences but also position your organisation favourably in the market, improving trust and compliance while opening up new business opportunities. Here are some key strategic advantages that can elevate your organisation’s cybersecurity status:

Government-Backed IT Security

Government-Backed IT Security Framework

Cyber Essentials is a framework developed in collaboration with the UK Government and the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC). It provides a trusted, government-backed standard that ensures you are protected against a vast majority of common cyber threats, giving your organisation a strong foundation in cybersecurity.

Complementary to ISO 27001 Certification

Complementary to ISO 27001 Certification

While ISO 27001 is holistic, focusing on all aspects of information security management, Cyber Essentials can be an effective stepping stone or complement. For organisations not ready to undertake the breadth of ISO 27001, Cyber Essentials offers a more focused and manageable approach to securing IT systems and data.

Facilitates Bidding for Large Projects

Facilitates Bidding for Large Projects

Holding a Cyber Essentials certification is often a prerequisite for bidding on government and other public sector contracts. It demonstrates to potential clients that your organisation maintains high standards of cyber hygiene, making you a favourable candidate for large and sensitive projects.

Essential for Regulated Industries

Essential for Regulated Industries

If your business operates within highly regulated industries such as finance, healthcare, or legal services, Cyber Essentials helps in meeting specific regulatory requirements related to cybersecurity. This certification assures partners and clients that you handle sensitive information with the utmost care and within compliance frameworks.

Aligns IT Security with GDPR

Aligns IT Security with GDPR

Achieving Cyber Essentials certification shows a proactive approach to data protection, aligning your IT security practices with GDPR requirements. It provides a clear structure to protect personal data from cyber threats, which is critical for avoiding potential fines and penalties associated with GDPR non-compliance.

How Cyber essentials and Plus work?

Step 1: Cyber Essentials Audit

We begin with a comprehensive audit of your existing IT infrastructure and cybersecurity practices. This step involves a thorough examination of your systems to identify any vulnerabilities or gaps in compliance with the Cyber Essentials framework. Our team uses advanced tools and methodologies to assess your security measures against the certification criteria.

Step 2: Recommendation Report

Following the audit, abtec compiles a detailed recommendation report. This document outlines the findings from the initial audit and provides specific recommendations for improvements. The report is designed to give you a clear understanding of what changes are needed to enhance your cybersecurity stance and meet the certification requirements.

Step 3: Remedial Action

With the recommendation report in hand, your organisation will implement the necessary remedial actions. abtec offers guidance and support throughout this phase to ensure that all suggested improvements are effectively put into place. This step is crucial for addressing any identified security weaknesses and fortifying your defences.

Step 4: Complete Assessment

Once the remedial actions are implemented, abtec conducts a complete assessment to verify that all changes meet the Cyber Essentials standards. This final review ensures that the implemented security measures are functioning correctly and are sufficient to protect against common cyber threats. It is a rigorous validation of your cybersecurity readiness.

Step 5: Issue Certification

After successfully passing the complete assessment, your organisation will be issued the Cyber Essentials or Cyber Essentials Plus certification. This certification is a testament to your commitment to cybersecurity and demonstrates to clients, stakeholders, and regulators that your business takes the protection of its data seriously.

Industries we specialise in

  • Protecting Sensitive Data: Schools and universities handle vast amounts of sensitive data, including student and staff personal information. Cyber Essentials helps educational institutions implement robust protections against data breaches, enhancing their security posture and compliance with legal requirements like GDPR.
  • Enhancing Trust: Achieving certification reassures parents, students, and staff that the institution values and protects their information. abtec supports educational clients by providing the necessary tools and guidance to achieve and maintain these standards, thereby fostering a safe digital learning environment.
Education Image
  • Securing Business Operations: Companies, regardless of size, are frequent targets of cyber attacks. Cyber Essentials certification helps businesses safeguard their operations, intellectual property, and customer data. abtec specialises in supporting businesses implement the five technical controls required for certification, significantly reducing their vulnerability to attacks.
  • Building Competitive Advantage: In many industries, having Cyber Essentials certification can provide a competitive edge when bidding for contracts, particularly where data security is a priority for potential clients.
Business Image
  • Compliance and Patient Data Protection: The healthcare sector is under intense scrutiny to protect patient data. Cyber Essentials certification ensures that healthcare providers meet essential cybersecurity benchmarks, crucial for compliance with health data protection regulations.
  • Maintaining System Integrity: Healthcare systems are critical and must operate without disruption. abtec ensures that healthcare clients not only achieve certification but also maintain a high level of security through continuous monitoring and support, protecting against disruptions caused by cyber threats.
Healthcare Image
  • Resource Optimisation: Non-profits often operate with limited IT resources and budgets. Cyber Essentials provides a cost-effective cybersecurity framework that maximises resource use. abtec aids non-profits in implementing practical and affordable cybersecurity measures that provide robust protection without the need for extensive investment.
  • Enhancing Donor Confidence: Donors and stakeholders need assurance that their information and contributions are managed securely. Certification demonstrates a non-profit's commitment to protecting this data, which is essential for maintaining trust and credibility.
Non-profit Image

Why choose abtec for Cyber essentials and Plus?

abtec stands out as a premier provider of Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus certifications, offering a distinct set of advantages that ensure extensive and successful cybersecurity solutions for your organisation:

Expertise in extensive frameworks

IASME Accredited Certification Body

Industry-Leading Standards: As an IASME accredited Certification Body, abtec is recognised for its capability to deliver and uphold the highest standards of cybersecurity certification. Our accreditation ensures that we provide not just basic compliance but a robust framework for managing data security in alignment with national standards.

Expertise in Extensive Security Frameworks: Our licensure to deliver both Cyber Essentials and IASME Governance standards means we can offer a broader spectrum of cybersecurity solutions, tailored to the nuanced needs of your business.

IT Security and Cyber security

Expertise in IT & Cyber Security

Qualified Assessors: All of our assessors are highly qualified with extensive experience across IT and cybersecurity domains. Their expertise ensures that your cybersecurity measures are rigorously evaluated and reinforced against the most current and relevant threats.

Holistic Security Insight: With deep expertise across various aspects of IT, our team provides insights and strategies that encompass the entire scope of your digital infrastructure, ensuring no vulnerability is overlooked.

Quick and efficient

Quick & Efficient Certification Process

Streamlined Certification: Our proven 5-step certification process is designed to be swift and efficient, minimising disruption to your daily operations while ensuring thorough coverage of all security aspects. This efficient process helps you achieve certification quickly, allowing you to demonstrate your commitment to cybersecurity without delay.

Continuous Support: From initial consultation to final certification, abtec guides you through each step, ensuring clarity and ease throughout the process. Our approach is designed to make certification as straightforward and stress-free as possible.

100% certification success rate

100% Success Rate

Guaranteed Certification Success: Our commitment to working closely with you throughout the certification process has yielded a 100% success rate. We pride ourselves on partnering with our clients until they meet all the requirements necessary for certification.

Tailored Remediation Strategies: If gaps are identified during the assessment phase, abtec not only highlights these deficiencies but also provides customised remediation strategies to ensure every requirement is met successfully.